Friday, December 18, 2009

what better time

today i start this. let's see where it takes me...

every once in a while something happens to break open the very depths of your most vulnerable being & force you to truly see what's most important to you.

stop. breathe.

then when you become so overwhelmed & frightened with your own impermanence & uncertainty of anything outside of that very moment, you reach out. but just before you're able to grasp at something, anything... that's also the very moment you're taken & guided to exactly where you need to be.

i'm here. i'm ever so grateful. i will never forget everything that has brought me to where i am now & i want to make the very most of it.

this is a place for community, inspiration, creativity, & to share with you my own little piece of the world.

let's get this party started.


the wild are strong said...
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maribeth faustino said...

oh hello! yes i see you right across the table from me! haha

roz said...

i'm excited to read more posts by you. love you!

welcome to the blogging world. next :)

maribeth faustino said...

aw thank you!!
yes, i have a flikr... but there's nothing on it... yet! :)

love you & miss you +++