Wednesday, January 6, 2010

one year ago today

with gratitude from the renegade phoenix on Vimeo.

this day is an anniversary of sorts for me to reflect on a year's past & all that came with it. words cannot fully express the gratitude i have for my incredible family & friends who have supported me through the rough times of 2009. each of you have enriched my life in your own special way & it means so very much to me.

i hope to continue to grow from this experience as i still have so much to learn.

above is a very amateur stop motion i made last year. i sewed each & every heart that's in it. perhaps you may recognize the one i made for you ...

my deepest of thanks to those of you who have given your thoughts, your presence, your support, & above all, your love.

it is because of you that i survive.


roz said...

i love you!
i'm so excited for you and everything you will accomplish forever.

you are amazing

ps. yaaa stop motion!!!

maribeth faustino said...

aw, thank you!! that means so much to me :) love you so much! & can't wait to do our colab!!

the wild are strong said...

you are an incredibly strong and beautiful woman. i know you will succeed in whatever you put your energy into.....follow your dreams!

i love you with all my heart and am grateful for you in my life.

maribeth faustino said...
